Home Learning Portals
Home Learning Portal
Every week we will share photos and information about what your child has been doing in school, so you can talk to them about their learning. We will also suggest some questions to ask, books to read, and activities to try at home.
Nursery: Spring 2
Our Core Texts:
Coming Up Events:
- Nursery Road Safety Workshops - Mon 25th Feb
- World Book Day - Thursday 6th March
- Nursery and Reception Ecoactive British Science Week Workshops: Wed 12th March
- Family Friday: 21st March 8.50am
- Last Day of Spring Term - Friday 4th April
Reception: Spring 2
Our Core Texts:
Coming Up Events:
- Come Dine With Me: Wednesday 26th Feb 11.45am (please book in advance via MCAS)
- World Book Day - Thursday 6th March
- Nursery and Reception Ecoactive British Science Week Workshops: Wednesday 12th March
- Family Friday: Friday 21st March 3.00pm
- Reception Parent/Carer Consultations - Tuesday 1st and Wednesday 2nd April
- Last Day of Spring Term - Friday 4th April