Meet the Playground Friends
Meet the Playground Friends of Grazebrook Primary School
At Grazebrook, it is important that all children experience a safe, happy and fun playtime in a relaxed and friendly environment. This half term has seen the introduction of Playground Friends. These are a team of over 40 Year 5 & 6 children who work to make sure playtimes run smoothly and are enjoyable for all.
How did they become Playground Friends?
All children in Year 5 & Year 6 were invited to apply for the position. The interview process involved them answering questions about why they wanted to be a Playground Friend and what they would bring to the role.
What do they do?
There are 10 playground friends on duty each day. Here are some of their roles and responsibilities:
Support and guide other children in the playground to use the playground areas in a responsible, friendly manner;
Help set up a zone of the playground and guide other children on how to use it appropriately;
Look after the equipment and designated area;
Support the adults to create and maintain a fun relaxing atmosphere at playtime that all children can enjoy;
Encourage children to get involved in sports
The playground friends have noticed how their work has positively impacted playtimes. They say that “playtimes are more organised and children are behaving better”. A playground friend from Year 6 said that she enjoys “the responsibility” and has “matured since doing it.”
As a token of appreciation, the Playground Friends will enjoy an end of term trampolining treat!